Little Adam’s Peak Ella Sri Lanka : A Morning Hike

Little Adam's Peak - Ella

Distance from Ella

from Ella town on A23 – 1 Km

Why Visit

Morning Hike, A Beautiful Sunrise and Panoramic Views

How much time do I need

Couple of hours and then head to Nine Arches Bridge

Located 1141m above mean sea level, little Adam’s Peak in Ella, Sri Lanka  gives you the chance to absorb a spectacle of colours during the morning sunrise and 360 degree panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. A short hike along the clearly demarcated trails, it is one of the easier climbs you will encounter in Ella.

Vibrant Sunrises & Panoramic Views are the highlights of Little Adam’s Peak

How do I reach Little Adam’s Peak?

It is a short walk from Ella town, roughly 1km, you can walk there (many do) or use a vehicle. There is a public car park at the entrance but its quite small and you maybe parked in and blocked by some other inconsiderate car owner. It would be best if you could walk or grab a tuk-tuk there if you have plans to continue hiking up until Nine Arches Bridge.

How do I go up?

Once you have reached the car park (which is opposite to a mid sized popular hotel), the main road turns left, just at this bend you have a path going straight up. Head up this small path until you reach a small gate guarding the entrance to a road towards your right hand side. Turn Right at this point. (if you head straight up you will reach 98 Acres). Now that you turned right, continue on that path until you reach a flight of stairs. Continue up the stairs till you reach the Zip line station which is about halfway up (it will be closed at this early hour), but there are a few benches where you can stop and relax to catch your breath. The stairs will continue further  up until it disappears and you are back on the beaten path. ( Many people will be heading up there so there is no chance of you being left behind or lost. Once you have reached the top there are three peaks from which you can enjoy the surroudings.



Peak #1

The first peak is the closest to your entry point and is the highest. You can get a clear view of the surrounding terrain from here. There is a statue of the Buddha on top with a canopy providing it shelter from the elements. This is the furthest from the east and the least ideal peak to be at to observe the sunrise.


Peak #2

The second peak is the where most visitors will head straight to enjoy the sunrise. Past the large tree in the middle and an easy upward climb you will be at an intermediary position to observe the sunrise. I must add that you should first enjoy the sunrise and then grab your picture later. I’m pretty sure that no where dare mix up the order after witnessing the magical spectacle on offer. The natural colour palate that colours the morning sky is a sight to behold, all the while your fatigue is being washed away by the cool breeze that hugs your body. You can glimpse the surrounding hotel and tea factory over yonder.



Peak #3

The third peak is the last and the most daunting. I didn’t venture up to that point in my first trip simply because i didn’t know about it. I assumed that the second peak was as far as one could go. During my second trip, I saw several people enjoying the sunrise from the furthest peak. The path there was not easy. At first i hesitated but eventually decided that i must go. First you have to descend down a steep slope but there are plenty of boulders and footholds one could hold on to. Mostly if your young and agile you could simply squat down, grab two boulders on either side and swing your body as you go  down. That worked very efficiently for me as you would be basically lowering yourself until your foot got a solid place to land. Once at the bottom you gradually started tp climb back up. The first 1/3 of the way up is similar to the path you just came through. The is a clear path and firm footholds. You will have to use your arms to pull yourself up and keep balance. Then there is a portion which has neither a clear path a dirt path nor reassuring foothold. Mind your footing here. Finally the path hugs the edge as you reach the summit. Once you have reach the top you will have a unimpeded view of the surrounding mountains Which i heave posted here.

Little Adam’s peak in Ella, Sri Lanka is an ideal beginning to your day and afterwards you could head to 98 Acres for a buffet breakfast. Once you are done with your breakfast you could continue on to see the Nine Arches Bridge.

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